
I'm going surfing...

And, consequently, I won't be about for a week. So, for the 2 people or so who actually read my blog, I've assembled a list of activities for y'all to enjoy while I'm away.

1. Make some Icelandic harkal.
These instructions seem to be on the money, but remember, "don't try this at home unless you know what the end product is supposed to taste like. Putrefied shark can become spoiled." Awesome.

2. Learn the running man. This guy tells you how! Oh, and stick with it as he goes a bit crazy and pulls some sick moves about halfway through.

3. Complete 'Tricky's Riddles'. I got to, like, level 30 before I got bored. Actually quite addictive.

4. Take up temporary alcoholism. In London, I recommend the Monopoly Pub Crawl (complete with map) and the Circle Line Pub Crawl.

5. Assemble Tintin's wardrobe. This may seem a particularly tricky task, but never fear, I've got you covered. My favourite outfits are below.


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