
What's the Greek for 'toga'?

I was invited to attend a housewarming toga party the other day. I despise toga parties. They smack of stereotypical American frat bros downing kegs of cheap beer before vomiting in a bush and passing out on the sofa while everyone writes hilarious jibes on their faces in marker pen. I will admit that's just me being slightly prejudiced; I'm basing my views on numerous typical teen comedies. Anyway, I said I'd go provided I didn't have to wear a toga. My host said it was either that or I could go as a Spartan warrior. I pondered aloud that Greek garb would be out of place among Romans, and I'd probably be attacked. He surmised that we'd all look very similar. Dodgy costumes aside, the conundrum was born- what did the ancient Greeks wear?

A quick search later revealed the solution.
Apparently, the Greeks admired the human form and despised luxury, hence preferred to dress in a minimalist style. For this reason, men would often just wear a chlamys, a sort of cloak thing draped over their shoulder. Romans, on the other hand, liked to show off their wealth and so would wear multiple layers. Greek women, according to wikipedia, wore a loose robe called a peplos. Both sexes could also wear a tunic instead called a chiton, which would fall either to the knees for men or the ankles for women. On top of this lot, they could wear a winter cloak called a himation. Finally, women could jazz up their ensemble with a shawl known as a epiblema, and men could don a broad-rimmed hat called a petasos.

I'm just going to get a 300 costume.

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